Natural and Balanced Nutrition for Dogs
Food + Herbal Therapy

Discover the transformative power of real food through personalized consultations.

Every dog deserves a diet that mirrors nature, and promotes
overall well-being, energy, and longevity.

Book With Me

Brittany Ippolito, TCVM Canine Nutrition

Image of Brittany Ippolito.
Website icon of a poodle. Website icon of a poodle. Website icon of a poodle. Website icon of a poodle. Website icon of a poodle. Website icon of a poodle.

What I do

A bundle of food.

Chinese Medicine Food Therapy

Rooted in centuries-old wisdom, guidance and inspiration is drawn from Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, ensuring that each diet is meticulously crafted to align with the individual needs of your dog. TCVM's holistic principles guide us in understanding the unique energy balance within your pet, paving the way for a nutrition plan that not only addresses current health concerns but also fosters long-term vitality.

An illustration of a food pyramid

Balanced Diet Formulation

 Thoughtfully crafted for balance, encompassing all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your dog needs. Formulations that strike the right harmony between proteins, fibers, and a variety of wholesome ingredients, taking the guesswork out of meal planning and ensuring your pet receives a nutritionally complete and balanced diet.

Image of a woman standing on a balance scale with two dogs, holding food.

Client Empowerment

Beyond providing tailored canine nutrition plans, consultations are designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to take charge of your dog's diet. Armed with a deeper understanding of nutrition principles and feeding practices, you'll navigate the world of canine nutrition with confidence, making informed choices that contribute to your pet's well-being.

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